Anne Marshall, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Research and Evaluation
Anne Marshall joined the Teaching + Learning Lab in 2016.
She works with faculty, staff, and administrators in the development of assessments for educational programs and instructional innovations. Anne specializes in applied educational research methods, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods designs.
Anne taught graduate-level courses in educational research and evaluation and served on faculty development and research committees at Georgia Southern University. While there her research focused on the assessment of research methods instruction in traditional classroom and online environments, examining the impact on student attitudes about research as well as critical thinking development.
At UCLA, Anne managed quantitative analyses for evaluations of multiple university outreach programs. Additionally, through the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST), Anne collaborated on multiple evaluations of the LA’s BEST after school programs for students in underserved communities. The studies examined both process factors such as social & organizational capital as well as outcomes such as student dropout rates. After completing her Ph.D., she held a post-doctoral position at the UCLA Lab School, mentoring demonstration teachers in the assessment of curricular innovations and facilitating university faculty’s research in the lab school setting.
In addition to working in higher education settings, Anne has designed and conducted assessments for non-profit organizations across the education sector. This work has included designing evaluations for grants funded by the Kellogg Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and State and Federal Departments of Education. She has also provided training on educator evaluation for schools in New England as well as The School of Nations in Macau. Her work continues to be unified by a passion for collaborating with clients to devise assessments that are useful, rigorous, and contextualized to the needs at hand.
Anne earned her Ph.D. in education/social research methodology from The University of California, Los Angeles, and her B.A. in Psychology from Boston College.