Classroom-based research is a systematic process of inquiry conducted by instructors in their own classrooms. It aims to enhance teaching effectiveness, improve student outcomes, develop innovative practices, and advance the knowledge of education in higher ed. The findings of classroom-based research studies often have strong external validity, meaning they can be extended to other similar classrooms and settings.

Evidence-Based Teaching
Students learn best when instructors use evidence-based teaching, the same way patients benefit when doctors use evidence-based practice. If you want to apply the same rigorous techniques you use from your research to your teaching, then this page is for you.

Determining the Scope of Your Project
Assessment, evaluation, and research can serve many different objectives. At the start of a project, clarifying your scope and defining specific project goals is essential.

Selecting Research Methods
Selecting your research methods means determining: the type of data you wish to collect, a strategy for collecting, your target audience, and the method(s) of analysis.