
Leveraging Best Practices to Support Community, Wellbeing, and Belonging

Join us for our next talk in TLL's Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning. During the pandemic, many instructors realized the importance of community, wellbeing, and belonging in student learning, and the central role that they themselves played in developing the structures and processes to create supportive and inclusive learning environments. In this talk, […]

Students’ Sense of Belonging Matters: Evidence from Three Studies


Join us for our next talk in TLL’s Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning Over the last decade, research examining and documenting the importance of students’ sense of belonging in college has increased substantially. In this workshop, Dr. Maithreyi Gopalan, Assistant Professor of Education & Policy, Penn State University, will provide a broad overview […]

Teaching in the Artificial Intelligence Age of ChatGPT


Join us for our next talk in TLL’s Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning With the advent of easy-to-use artificial intelligence (AI) text generation tools like ChatGPT, educators must grapple with this question and what it means for their course and assignment designs. In this practical session, Dr. Derek Bruff will briefly survey the […]

Supporting Student Learning Through Metacognitive and Motivational Strategies


Join us for the last talk in our 2022-23 Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning Supporting Student Learning Through Metacognitive and Motivational Strategies Dr. Cristina D. Zepeda, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Vanderbilt University As students advance in their educational trajectories, there is an increasing demand for them to independently monitor and […]

Balancing High Expectations and Flexibility: Supporting Student and Faculty Mental Health with Compassionate Challenge

Dr. Sarah Rose Cavanagh, Senior Associate Director for Teaching and Learning in the Center for Faculty Excellence, Simmons University Co sponsored by DoingWell at MIT Join us for the final talk of the semester, with the option to attend a viewing in the Wellbeing Lab located in the newly renovated Student Center. When you ask people […]

Climate Across the Curriculum: An Octopus’s Journey

What do we need to infuse climate into our courses? Join Sandra Goldmark (Barnard College and Columbia Climate School) for a discussion about climate-responsive teaching in almost any discipline. Goldmark will share her experiences incorporating climate concepts into her theatre courses; expanding climate teaching at Barnard College; and piloting a Climate Ready curriculum at the Columbia Climate School. Participants will be invited to share their own interdisciplinary climate teaching experiences and provide feedback on the Climate Ready framework.