The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, in collaboration with the Chair of the Faculty, Teaching + Learning Lab (TLL), and the Registrar’s Office, are launching a new, one-year pilot of research-based […]

The paper, A Mixed-Methods Research Design to Advance Inclusive and Equitable Teaching, Innov High Educ (2024) by Drs. Raechel Soicher, Amanda Baker and Ruthann Thomas from TLL describes their recent […]
Classroom-based research is a systematic process of inquiry conducted by instructors in their own classrooms. It aims to enhance teaching effectiveness, improve student outcomes, develop innovative practices, and advance the […]

What is the scope of your project? Assessment, evaluation, and research can serve many different objectives. At the start of a project, clarifying your scope and defining specific project goals […]
Selecting your research methods means choosing the type of data you will collect, how you will collect your data, from whom you will collect your data, and how you will […]
The figure below outlines the eight steps associated with classroom-based research. Those eight steps are: If you’re interested in more detail about each step above, we highly recommend this reader-friendly […]
Bolster your teaching techniques with the science of teaching and learning Students learn best when instructors use evidence-based teaching, the same way patients benefit when doctors use evidence-based practice. If […]
What to Expect The Research and Evaluation (R&E) team at TLL works one-on-one with MIT faculty and staff across the Institute to support data-informed decision-making about educational issues and pedagogical […]

MIT Data Resources Institutional Research (IR) MIT Institutional Research is your first stop for data. If IR doesn’t have the data you need, they probably know who does. Email IR […]