The Methodology and Framework from MIT’s Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Project published in Innovative Higher Education

The Methodology and Framework from MIT’s Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Project published in Innovative Higher Education

The paper, A Mixed-Methods Research Design to Advance Inclusive and Equitable Teaching, Innov High Educ (2024) by Drs. Raechel Soicher, Amanda Baker and Ruthann Thomas from TLL describes their recent work that included the synthesis of data across multiple sources (students, instructors, and course syllabi) and courses within department. This synthesis can provide tailored recommendations to departments about how to advance inclusive and equitable pedagogy. The study illustrates the ways in which centering departments can account for contextual factors that influence instructors’ teaching practices—and subsequently students’ learning experiences and outcomes—across multiple courses within a program or department.

IE-Teach is an ongoing effort from the Teaching + Learning Lab to collect survey data from students, analyze course syllabi, and interview instructors to get a multidimensional perspective on inclusive and equitable teaching. The goal of the project is to motivate, inform, and tailor teaching development to the varied needs of academic departments

If you’d like to learn more about the project, including how to have your department participate, please email our team at:

Soicher, R.N., Baker, A.R. & Thomas, R.C. A Mixed-Methods Research Design to Advance Inclusive and Equitable Teaching. Innov High Educ (2024).