4 strategies to minimize academic dishonesty on remote exams

Include explanation components
Requiring that students explain their approach, reasoning and/or uncertainties can increase academic integrity. This strategy can be applied to any quiz exam, quiz, or pset question and works for any format of student response (text-based, equation-based, coded, or orally presented). Even multiple-choice questions can be modified to require an explanation component.
Create non-Google-able questions and prompts
Base questions on specific discussions from class this semester, appropriate student questions, or demonstrations that have gone awry.
Select assessments that require deeper levels of cognitive processing
Ask students to engage in higher-order processing (compare, analyze, evaluate, recommend). This requires them to engage with the material at a deeper level and reduces students’ ability to “find the answer” online.
Implement a code of conduct
Consider asking your students to adhere to a code of conduct for your course/assessments. Studies have shown that students who are asked to sign a code of conduct prior to taking an exam, are less likely to engage in academically dishonest behavior. Alternatively, you can include a cover page in your exam that specifies the collaboration policy, instructions for exam completion and submission, and the following statement:
“Please sign the following statement to verify that you have read and abide by the code of conduct for this subject: By affixing my name to this paper, I affirm that I have executed the examination in accordance with the code of conduct for this subject ______________.”