How Increasing Equity in the Science Classroom Drives Social Change

Key takeaways Often when we think about students struggling in large classroom environments, we tend to assume that one classroom environment impacts all students in the same way. In the […]

The Power of Daily Mentoring

Key takeaways: A more holistic approach to student thriving considers external factors in a student’s environment that may impact their performance. The holistic model seeks ways to support students as […]

Meaning Makers: cultivating growth mindset environments

Background The concept of a growth mindset, originally studied by Carol Dweck, involves the belief that abilities are malleable and can improve with effort, feedback, and the appropriate strategies. On […]

How active learning can improve inequities in STEM

Educational inequities often exist in the classroom, particularly minoritized students in STEM who may not have had the opportunity to see someone like themselves succeed in the field. In the […]

How Instructors Can Support Student Well-being

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, the Teaching + Learning Lab hosted this talk on strategies for promoting a culture of student well-being, involving a case-study from the University of Washington. […]

Teaching with English as a Second Language

On October 30, 2020, TLL held a panel event for English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) TAs. This event was conceived and hosted by Jingfan Yang, a Teaching Development Fellow, to introduce ESL TAs […]

Building Community in the Remote Classroom

While the Fall 2020 semester continued to pose remote teaching challenges, it also presented an opportunity for instructors to be more prepared than the emergency move to remote teaching in […]

Connect with your students

Although remote classes may work well logistically and technically, you can subsequently lose the social nuances and connection of in-person classes. Finding ways to connect with students 1:1 may help.

Foster community while moving online

Though some classes may require more face-to-face interaction by nature, instructors can still successfully engage students by allowing them to create communities to share their emotions and apply class knowledge with each other.

Image of Pulse survey
Taking MIT’s Pulse

Presentation recording & slides To browse through the following recorded segments, click the playlist icon in the top right of the YouTube playlist embedded below. This past May and June, […]