This academic year, our speaker series emphasized ways to motivate and support student engagement in the classroom and beyond. Speakers addressed topics such as communicating the relevance and importance of […]

On Thursday, October 6, 2022, we hosted Drs. Jamiella Brooks and Julie McGurk to discuss how inclusive teaching, by definition, promotes academic rigor. Redefining Rigor In her opening remarks, Dr. […]

In January 2022, the Teaching & Learning Lab launched a new interdisciplinary community in which 12 MIT faculty and instructors came together to engage in anti-racist work within the context […]

Charged and stressful events occurring on campus or in the national or global community can create challenging classroom dynamics and distract students from their academic work. As an instructor, your […]

As we continue to increase the diversity of our community at MIT, cultivating inclusive and equitable learning experiences becomes even more vital to supporting students’ learning and sense of belonging […]