In January 2022, the Teaching & Learning Lab launched a new interdisciplinary community in which 12 MIT faculty and instructors came together to engage in anti-racist work within the context […]

In light of the recent uptick in the number of students affected by Covid on campus — and the imminent start of final exams — you may want to consider […]

You’ve read in the January 26th email from Chair of the Faculty, Lily Tsai, and Vice Chancellor, Ian Waitz, of MIT’s goal of ensuring “robust academic continuity” in the face of […]

While MIT continues to plan for fully in-person instruction during the spring semester, the persistent spread of the Omicron variant is likely to result in relatively large numbers of students […]

Are you planning to have student presentations as part of your final assessments for your subject this semester? If so, there are a few additional considerations you’ll want to take […]

Due to Covid-related attestation, isolation, or quarantine policies for you and/or those in your care, it may be necessary for you to teach from home / away from campus for portions of the semester, to enlist a colleague to teach for you, or to reschedule/cancel class …

Include explanation components Requiring that students explain their approach, reasoning and/or uncertainties can increase academic integrity. This strategy can be applied to any quiz exam, quiz, or pset question and […]

To save time and reduce stress during the term, make a plan before the semester begins for how you will support students in the event of absences and communicate these plans to your students on your course syllabus. …

Effective 10 February 2022, the “One-Mask-Down-at-a-Time” Policy applies in MIT classrooms and other learning spaces. The policy states: “When speaking in a group setting where all others present are masked […]

Although it is essential to ensure your syllabus is clear and transparent in “normal” times, this is especially true this fall. Please consider including in your syllabus: explicit statements about […]