
Building community in the remote classroom


Student learning and well-being are supported by the presence of a cohesive classroom community, both in face-to-face learning as well as remote learning. On Nov 19, 2020, Open Learning and TLL cohosted this xTalk panel discussion, in which MIT instructors Simona Socrate, Ari Epstein, and Kang Zhou share how they have built and maintained community while teaching in […]

Lesson Planning Track


The Lesson Planning Track is a sequence of 3 workshops focused on preparing an effective lesson plan for a class session or recitation, developing skills for classroom presentation and effective classroom activities, and giving formative feedback to students.

Assessments & Assignments for Remote Learning


The Teaching + Learning Lab and Open Learning are cohosting an IAP panel discussion for faculty and instructors on innovative assessments and assignments for remote subjects. Panelists will discuss a spectrum of assessment and assignment options and share their unique approaches and decision-making processes. We will have an opportunity to reflect together as panelists consider […]

Flipping Failure COVID Diaries: Short Films by MIT Students


The Lesson Planning Track is a sequence of 3 workshops focused on preparing an effective lesson plan for a class session or recitation, developing skills for classroom presentation and effective classroom activities, and giving formative feedback to students.

TA Days Winter 2021


To support TAs across MIT in developing the foundational skills and knowledge need to succeed in their roles, we offer a series of workshops called TA Days. The next session, TA Days Winter 2021 (spanning February 2 – 11), aims to help you prepare for the spring semester.

How instructors can support student well-being


College campuses across the country are struggling to respond to the significant social, emotional, and economic burdens carried by our students. With the dual challenge of navigating ongoing remote learning while also envisioning how we come back together in person, the work of caring for ourselves and one another is more important than ever.  Well-Being […]

Mind the Gap


This talk will be presented by Elli Theobald, Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington. Her recent work demonstrates that opportunity gaps—differential performance between minoritized students (BIPOC students as well as low-income students) and over-represented students—were reduced by 75% in college STEM courses when instructors incorporated active learning strategies, but only when active learning was implemented in a majority of class time.

Inclusive Teaching Track


The Inclusive Teaching Track is a sequence of 2 workshops focused on creating inclusive and welcoming classrooms, a prerequisite for effective learning. Participants will practice reflecting on their own experiences and perspectives while learning effective strategies to make their classrooms equitable and inclusive.

Teaching portfolio peer review


Refine how you describe your approach to teaching: from the principles that guide you to specific examples of your practices