One-on-one oral quizzes are a great tool for assessing not only how students solve problems, but also why they select particular strategies. Learn more in this Fresh Perspectives interview with […]

We have learned much from the remote teaching and learning challenges experienced in the spring and fall semesters, thanks to feedback from students, faculty, and staff. In the following recording, […]

On January 14, 2021, the Teaching + Learning Lab and Open Learning cohosted an IAP panel discussion for faculty and instructors on innovative assessments and assignments for remote subjects. Panelists […]

Presentation recording To browse through the following recorded segments, click the playlist icon in the top right of the YouTube playlist embedded below. MIT champions data-informed decision making at all […]

Key Takeaways First-Year Advising at MIT On October 27, 2020, members from the Teaching and Learning Lab (TLL), the Office of the Vice Chancellor (OVC), and the Office of the […]

The Teaching Development Fellowship (TDF) Network launched in January 2019 after Benjamin Hansberry, Ph.D., Assistant Director for Graduate Student Teaching, joined the Teaching + Learning Lab.

Writing engages students in solidifying tacit and unformed ideas, connecting them, and translating them for particular audiences. On Tuesday, April 28, 2020, this session explored applications of writing-to-learn pedagogy used in […]

In January 2020, MIT piloted a new subject, 3.008 Humanistic Co-design of Assistive Technology Around the Globe. The subject is academically housed within the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer […]

On Monday, January 13, 2020, we hosted Dr. Christine Pfund who presented how to use the science of effective mentorship to optimize your mentoring practice.

In this interactive session on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, participants explored research-based, practical strategies to improve your day-to-day mentoring.