
Trauma-informed Teaching


Learn about the neuroscience of toxic stress and how to increase engagement, connection, and healing in the classroom.

Reinventing Education Post-Pandemic


Understanding the experiences of students and teachers during pandemic schooling is vital to educational recovery and building back better.

Teaching Development Fellowship 2022-2023


The Teaching Development Fellows Network (TDFN) is a professional development and leadership opportunity for MIT graduate students who are interested in improving their teaching while promoting pedagogical development and discussion among their peers.

Fall 2022 KTCP


The Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program (KTCP) is an interactive workshop series intended for late-program graduate students and postdocs interested in academic careers or developing skills to support their teaching at MIT.

Rigor as Inclusive Practice

Dr. Jamiella Brooks (U Penn) and Dr. Julie McGurk (Yale) will discuss how inclusive teaching, by definition, promotes academic rigor.

Inclusive Teaching Track

The Inclusive Teaching Track is a sequence of two interactive workshops focused on cultivating equitable and welcoming classrooms where students from all backgrounds can thrive.

Application Period for the IAP 2023 Subject Design Track


The Subject Design Track is a sequence of three interactive 2-hour workshops focused on course design. Participants will learn to build a course by first identifying goals and then organizing assignments and content to align with these goals.

Leveraging Best Practices to Support Community, Wellbeing, and Belonging

Join us for our next talk in TLL's Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning. During the pandemic, many instructors realized the importance of community, wellbeing, and belonging in student learning, and the central role that they themselves played in developing the structures and processes to create supportive and inclusive learning environments. In this talk, […]

Registration for IAP 2023 TA Days NOW OPEN.

IAP 2023 TA Days: Monday, January 30, through Thursday, February 2. Before the start of each semester, TLL offers a series of workshops for TAs to help them prepare for the role and responsibilities of the position of teaching at MIT. Topics include how to give feedback, present a class session, and facilitate office hours, […]

How the Pandemic has shaped Leading Universities’ Integration of Digital Learning

Silver Lining for Learning (Online)

How the Pandemic has shaped Leading Universities’ Integration of Digital Learning with Bharat Anand, Cindy Behrtram, and Janet Rankin How is the pandemic changing the ways leading universities integrate digital education into their institutional strategies? This episode of Silver Lining for Learning features TLL's Director, Janet Rankin, joining guests from Harvard and Stanford to discuss […]

Festival of Learning 2023

MIT Stata Center

The Festival of Learning is a yearly free event for MIT faculty, students, and staff to engage with each other regarding innovation in teaching and learning.

Students’ Sense of Belonging Matters: Evidence from Three Studies


Join us for our next talk in TLL’s Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning Over the last decade, research examining and documenting the importance of students’ sense of belonging in college has increased substantially. In this workshop, Dr. Maithreyi Gopalan, Assistant Professor of Education & Policy, Penn State University, will provide a broad overview […]

Teaching in the Artificial Intelligence Age of ChatGPT


Join us for our next talk in TLL’s Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning With the advent of easy-to-use artificial intelligence (AI) text generation tools like ChatGPT, educators must grapple with this question and what it means for their course and assignment designs. In this practical session, Dr. Derek Bruff will briefly survey the […]

Application Period for the Spring 2023 Lesson Planning Track

About the Program The Lesson Planning Track is a sequence of 3 workshops focused on preparing an effective lesson plan for a class session or recitation, developing skills for classroom presentation and effective classroom activities, and giving formative feedback to students. Over the course of the workshop track, participants develop a detailed lesson plan on […]

Supporting Student Learning Through Metacognitive and Motivational Strategies


Join us for the last talk in our 2022-23 Speaker Series: Reigniting the Spark of Learning Supporting Student Learning Through Metacognitive and Motivational Strategies Dr. Cristina D. Zepeda, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Vanderbilt University As students advance in their educational trajectories, there is an increasing demand for them to independently monitor and […]

2023-2024 Teaching Development Fellows

Applications are now open for the 2023-2024 Cohort of Teaching Development Fellows. The deadline for applying is Monday, May 22, at 11:59 pm (ET).

Application Period for the Summer 2023 Subject Design Track

The Subject Design Track is a sequence of three interactive 2-hour workshops focused on course design. Participants will learn to build a course by first identifying goals and then organizing assignments and content to align with these goals.

Registration for IAP 2023 TA Days NOW OPEN.

Summer 2023 TA Days: Monday, August 28, through Thursday, August 31. Before the start of each semester, TLL offers a series of workshops for TAs to help them prepare for the roles and responsibilities of the position of teaching at MIT. Topics include giving feedback, presenting a class session, and facilitating office hours, among other […]

Application Period for the Fall 2023 Lesson Planning Track

About the Program The Lesson Planning Track is a sequence of 3 workshops focused on preparing an effective lesson plan for a class session or recitation, developing skills for classroom presentation and effective classroom activities, and giving formative feedback to students. Over the course of the workshop track, participants develop a detailed lesson plan on […]

Application Period for the Fall 2023 Microteaching Track

Any graduate student is welcome to apply. However, students who have completed the Lesson Planning Track will be given priority. About the Program The Microteaching Track is a sequence of 2 microteaching workshops. In a microteaching workshop, a small group of students each present a brief teaching demo and receive feedback from peers and TLL […]

Finding the Why: Integrating Purpose in STEM as a Path to Student Engagement


Virtual Talk Join us for our next talk in TLL’s 2023-24 Speaker Series Many students across different demographic groups highly value opportunities to advance their knowledge and skills (agentic goals) and fulfill a larger purpose that contributes to the world and solves social problems (communal goals). However, STEM fields are often stereotyped as careers that […]

Book Launch with Justin Reich

MIT Bartos Theater MIT Bldg. E15-070 | 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Iterate: The Secret to Innovation in Schools Justin Reich, Associate Professor, Comparative Media Studies/Writing and director of MIT Teaching Systems Lab, will hold a talk on his newest book, Iterate: The Secret to Innovation in Schools. This event will be held on Tuesday, October 3 at MIT Bartos Theatre (E15-070), 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA […]

Speaking up in STEM: Investigating the self-advocacy and classroom experiences of undergraduates with ADHD and specific learning disorders

Dr. Julie Dangremond Stanton, Associate Professor of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia Artwork by danjazzia on Envato Elements When students with disabilities transition to college, they become solely responsible for accessing and using their accommodations for the first time, which requires self-advocacy. Although self-advocacy is considered an essential skill for the success of students with […]